Monday, April 19, 2010

The Dodgers

It's funny how a single thing can be immensely important to one person, but mean absolutely nothing to another.
The Dodgers. Yeah, it's just a baseball team, but to a lot of people it's much more. As is the case with most sports teams.
In a way, the Dodgers symbolize my family. My dad grew up in LA, and inherited his devotion to the Dodgers from his dad. My dad then passed this profound dedication to his own children. My brother would cry over a lost game, no doubt.
If we're going on vacation, you can bet it's to LA to watch a couple Dodgers games. We go at least twice a year. But I'm not complaining, I love it. I love everything about it. If I had to make a list of my favorite places in the world, Dodgers stadium would be in the top 3.
We have regular cable on all the TVs in the house except for one. That one has DirectTV because this is the only service that has the MLB package, and therefore the only way we can watch all the Dodgers games. If there is a game on, you can most likely find my entire family around the TV. The game will definitely effect the mood of the house. If we are losing, everyone is on edge. If we are winning, everyone is in good spirits.
My best friend Ashley, who claims to be a Giants fan but knows absolutely nothing about baseball, was over on Saturday. We were losing to the Giants, and tensions were pretty high. However, Ashley, painfully unaware, kept running her mouth about how great the Giants were. Bad idea. If you could have seen the looks my brothers were giving her.
See, a Giants fan is practically a sworn enemy, and living in Giants territory can be pretty dangerous.
But go ahead, talk as much crap to me as you'd like. I can handle it.