Monday, April 12, 2010

The concept of sadies

I think that Sadies is quite a good idea. It forces girls to put ourselves in the position of the guys in every other dance and occasion..really in life. There is a lot of stress put into the planning, timing, ideas. It is also very frustrating when the person you are asking does not follow through with their plans of the day. VERY FRUSTRATING. Because then you end up asking them to sadies by showing up at their house angry, with picnic blanket, cold food, and torn sign in hand. So guys, I've gotta give it up to you, bravo for all of the shenanigans you put up with for us. It's much more fun being asked as opposed to asking, so I'm glad we have the easy role for the rest of the year. "Why yes! I would love to accompany you to the dance!" > "Where the heck have you been all day?!" :D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL. Never thought of it that way.