Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration Recap

Some tidbits about the inauguration: 
- Obama is now are president (for those who don't know) 
- President Obama did NOT screw up when being sworn in, it was indeed the Chief Justice 
- Mrs. Franklins hat with the giant bow tie was supreme in size and was pretty stupendous if you ask me. 
- The National Anthem was sung very well, glad to see it being sung the way it is supposed to rather than having an American Idol star trying to get famous in the lime light and carry on his/her voice in notes similar to how long I am carrying on this sentence. 
- I made sure I picked up the newspaper that day with the headline being "Obama Takes Power" which I value greatly. 
- If you visit websites such as then you will surely see racist comments by users underneath stories related to Barrack Obama. 
- While having the first Black President may be considered historic to us, it obviously did not reach everyone. ^^^
- Although many may not like Obama, please keep your death threats and lies about the election being 'set-up' or 'staged' to yourself, you redoinkulous idiots. 


Amber Marie said...

I think this was a wonderful summary. :] haha.

Kate Rose said...

That's because Fox news sucks!