Thursday, January 8, 2009

Boo, January!

"January virtually has no redeeming factors." -Mr. Casey Nichols

I could not agree with this statement more. January sucks. There is simply nothing good about it. It is cold. It has no holidays. It has no substantial breaks from school, except for the depressing end of winter break. A new semester starts and you realize that there is still so much to be done before summer. Out of state college applications are due. There is also January 7th, which for some reason is always the worst day of the year. Anddd there is only thirteen weeks left of life in the yearbook world. Overall January stresses me out. And that's all I have to say.


Anonymous said...

Really? I don't like break much at all. I like to be busy with school work because it's one of the only things that makes me feel productive.

Karin said...

I don't think Jan 7th is the worst day! it's my friend's b-day!