Sunday, January 4, 2009

For a Friend

Senior year is not quite what I expected it to be.
I heard from all my older friends that first semester senior year is a pain and that second semester senior year is a general breeze. With all my college applications (I know, I know. I'm like the umpteenth person to mention college apps in a blog. I promise that's not what this is about) out of the way, I'm ready to move forward to second semester, but first taking the look back at first semester.

Like I said earlier, senior year was certainly not what I expected. I don't ultimately know what I was expecting. Maybe something along the lines of hanging out with my friends and making all the memories I could in our final months together in the same place. In some instances, that's been true. I've gotten a lot closer to some of my already close friends and made some very close new friends, which is great. However, what's the most shocking and perhaps what is disappointing me, is how I'm also slowly growing apart from friends who I used to consider closer than close. I've never been one to just let a friendship disappear into thin air and I always thought that college would be the ultimate test of time to see which friendships make it and which don't. That sounds awful, but after moving around, I've seen quite a few people who just can't make long-distance friendships work. And I never thought the friends I've made over the past 2 and half years would be like that.

But it's happening. And that kind of scares me. If I can't even maintain a friendship with someone who lives 15 minutes away, what's going to happen when we move 8 hours away? Or across the country? I understand that losing and gaining friends is a part of life, but that doesn't make the fact any easier to bear and swallow. I'm making an extra effort now without college applications to distract me to try and maintain those important friendships, at least from my end.

Here's to making it work for this final semester.

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