Friday, January 2, 2009

A day at the kitchen table...

Today was kind of a weird but fun day... I spent it at the kitchen table!  I woke up at 11 and ate lunch.  It's kinda fun eating lunch when you wake up... and then I decided it was time to fill out my Spartans and Mexico packets.  My church sends hundreds of people to Mexico every spring (thankfully this year our spring break is on the same week as the trip unlike last year).  The trip is mostly for high school and college students, and of course adults too.  This year, probably about 850 people will go (yeah, it's a lot!).  We partner with Mexican churches to reach the  Victoria valley with God's love through tons of different teams. There's a drama team and a sports team, and lots of other teams that do things like building houses, day camp programs for kids, working in orphanages and a women's shelter, and providing people with food. It is an amazing trip and always one of the highlights of my year!  So, naturally, filling out the application made me excited.  Which meant I pretty much spent the entire day filling out the applications and texting and talking to ppl over the phone about going to Mexico.  I have some friends who I really want to go this year who have never been before.  I hope they go!  Not only do you impact others on this trip but you are impacted too!  It's awesome!  Oh yeah, I also worked on an AP US outline (at the kitchen table).  But then I realized it would be dark soon, so I called up my friend and we went on a run.  Which was not at the kitchen table!  And now I'm on the computer– not at the kitchen table!  

Oh yeah.  I forgot to say what Spartans is.  It's the team that goes down a couple days early to set up camp.  That was the other application I had to fill out.  Hope everyone has a great weekend before school starts up again!

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