Friday, December 12, 2008

So Close!

We only have one week left until we get 2 whole weeks off! I could really use a break from school, just an oppuritunity to do absolutely nothing. Of course, that last week doesn't look like it will be easy to get past. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a TON to do in those last 5 days. Admitedly, it is partly my fault. I did a little procrastinating and now find myself with 3 projects due...yeah, that should be fun.
But on the other hand, I have Christmas to look forward to. That's the only holiday that I really get into. I usually get to see a lot of my family, and the season itself is just plain old fashioned happy. I mean, everything else seems to be going terribly, the economy is tanking and no one is really sure what's going to happen, but around Christmas, everyone can look past the problems of the real world and just enjoy themselves.
There seems to be a sense that we're all part of the same world, and that helping each other out isn't such a bad thing. Maybe it's just me, but this time of year seems to bring out the best in people, and that's why I like it so much.
And, of course, that 2 week break doesn't hurt my fun either.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...


Procrastination ftw? I think so!