Saturday, December 6, 2008

It still doesn't feel like X-mas...

It still hasn't hit me yet...Christmas is in 19 days.

It's probably just life for the past 2-3 months has been about TWILIGHT, college applications, and my grades. The whole idea that senior year is your easiest year is far from the truth...well for me.

I've applied to the UC's...specifically Berkeley, LA, Davis, and Irvine. Now all I can do is wait for the fateful day of March 26th to come.

I also think I study TOO MUCH. I studied for five hours for my AP Calc BC test and I'm pretty sure I failed. I hate the feeling when you've put so much energy and you don't get the results you think you deserve. ARGH.

And Twilight...well...I don't want to open a can of worms, but I have to admit that I have never been SO OBSESSED over a fictional character...AKA Edward Cullen...and an actor...aka Robert Pattinson. OMG.

Til the next post.


RHS Flash said...

Relax... and I promise, some day you'll laugh at yourself at this whole Twilight thing. If I read one more comment (not on the blog) in student paper's etc... arghh.

rebecca/vanessa said...

aww Mal, don't even worry about it. I totally agree, a man said Merry Christmas to me the other day and i totally forgot its december, its almost christmas! as for the colleges, don't WORRY! You'll do just fine :)

AND there is nothing wrong with being obsessed with should take a look at the background on my phone :P he's so beautiful haha

Anonymous said...

it is really stressful this year and it seems like every year i get less and less into the true holiday spirit, but i know something that always helps - listen to christmas music. it works for me every year. :)