Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

Now that senior year is finally here, I find myself living in that constant battle of live in the now plan for the future. Life is throwing all these different things at me and don't get me wrong I have a pretty clear idea of what I want my future to look like...but where IN THE WORLD...will I find the time? All I know is a lot of film schools need the application by November. And for those of you who don't know...I've been considering studying screenwriting and production because I've always been really passionate about writing and movies and I think the perfect career for me would be in film or journalism like the perfect combo which would be documentaries or like a travel tv show. Anyways, I love journalism SO MUCH. Honestly I can't tell you how much I think about it. Story ideas, class ideas, or just how amazing this year will be with such talented people in the class. It truly is exciting, we are here in the midst of extreme change at RHS. Those lucky freshman get to wear tank tops right away in high school but at least I get to enjoy it my senior year. This year has so much in store, I hope I can manage it all. Please stop me for a breather when you can. 


aubrey22 said...

I feel you man. Except I still don't know what I am going to do and as you can tell in my latest blog I don't even know where I am XD but stay strong and I will always stop you for a breather ;)

Liz said...

I will stop you every day for a breather, just ask. And I know about the deadlines for college apps. I still haven't decided on WHERE I'm going, but I'm applying for all that I can. And We are gonna enjoy our last year with every step we take (it might pain us, but we will try to enjoy the most of it!)

Rhiannon said...

I can definitely see you going in to journalism! This is going to be such a good year! And it isn't fair how the freshman get to have tank tops for all four years.