Saturday, February 27, 2010

Deadly Earthquake, Leading to Deadly Tsunami

An 8.8 quake quickly stirred Santiago, Chile in 3 minutes time. Right now, 100+ people are found dead, and there might be more to uncover. Since there are no connections to telephones and other communication, they're afraid more people will be found under the rubble. Citizens of Chile reported a blackout happened once the earthquake started and everything was pitch black.

This has been the most dangerous earthquake in 50 years in the country. Cars were "pancaked" by buildings and houses destroyed.

The worst thing to come out of this could be the said "deadly tsunami" about to hit Hawaii around 1:24pm our time. Large sirens filled the air of Hawaii around the time of the earthquake in Chile to evacuate long before the tsunami is supposed to hit.

A journalist named Roberto Candia, 65 miles away the earthquake said "it felt as if a giant had grabbed him and shaken him."

U.S. is planning to help Chile and Hawaii.

To look for more information, watch HLN news or read the news on MSNBC news to get the full story.

1 comment:

KryptoChicken said...

I certainly hope the US is going to help Hawaii, since Hawaii is in the US. Geeze, is the whole world splitting in half? First Haiti, then Chile, what's next? I'd guess, but I'm afraid of jinxing it and then feeling horrible about it.