Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas to Me.

The other day I was hanging out at a friends house when I recieved a text from Sam Cowley, asking for the key to my house so she could borrow something. Since she is my best friend I have no problem letting her do that. She came and picked up the key and told me she would leave it under the door mat so I could get in my house when I got home. 4 hours later I recieved a text from her telling me that my mom had texted her and said if she got ahold of me to " get home now!" I had just texted my mom so I refused, she then proceeded to text me randoms text such as "someone is breaking into your house" and "tripod (my cat) is having a sezuire" I rushed home to see what was going on. Shawna Grizoffi's car was next to my house and I got really confused. I walked into my house and started to get really upset because all the lights were off and my fear is being surprised and scared in the dark, which I thought they were going to do. Then I looked up and saw lights coming from my room, I looked down and there were arrows on paper pointing toward my room, I followed them and when I walked into my room there was christmas light everywhere with streamers hanging from the ceiling and snowflakes and candy canes on the walls. But the biggest surprise was the REAL christmas tree with presents under it! My mom and I have been having financial problems because of the economy and I had mentioned one time that I might not be getting any presents. My friends made my christmas amazing. I love them with all my heart!

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