Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Now that I'm a senior...

I guess that everything has been a little bit more relaxed. I'm taking an easier 6-class scheduele, and I guess it's going to be a good year from what I've seen so far. I really don't have anything more to say in the way of school... So I'll get on the better stuff.

If you know me, I am a gamer. I play World of Warcraft and Rock Band with some of my time. I've taken the time on WoW down by a huge number, but I've been playing Rock Band a lot more with some of my friends. I like to play on the expert drums, and my friend Justin plays on the expert guitar. We're actually looking for 2 more players who play on expert guitar/bass and expert vocals so we can start a decent Rock Band and work on that for a bit. So if you know anyone who is like that, send me a message or send them my way!

That's really all I have to say for right now. SENIOR POWER! :D


victoria said...

Senior year is NOT relaxed

Jimmy said...

It is for me.