Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I am soooo happy and pretty much done with school, but really wish there was no math test tomorrow, because my brain is goneeeeee. But we have dance show this week!
First dress rehearsal is today, so we'll see how these fun outfits work out haha. The show is on Thursday Friday and two shows on Saturday, and from what I hear TONS better than the Whitney dance show (to be expected :P). I am so excited, I'm in six amazing dances and the energy is awesome :):) there is great variety in the dances actually, so there's something for everyone to enjoy hopefully. It's just dance 2-4, the first time dance 1 has had their own show and hasn't been with the other classes. It's cool because there's the same amount of dances as if there was dance 1 in the show, meaning we get more dances per class and more specialties, which look really good. Come see Thursday Friday or Saturday!:)

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