Thursday, February 19, 2009


So, normally I never remember my dreams. I know you're supposed to have one everynight, bit I just never manage to hold onto on I guess. But recently, I was assigned a dream journal in Psychology and have adjusted my sleep cycle so that I can start remembering. At any rate, I've discovered just how consistently nonsensical these things can be. I know their always supposed to be weird, but if you remember a dream every night for a week when before you've almost never remembered a thing, it can be kinda freaky. Like a few days ago, I was dreaming that I was running through a dank/dark building being chased by a rancor(it's from Star Wars) and being helped by some kind of marine. In another dream, I was in an airplane that was flying through the air and everyone was trying to algebraically calculate the current trajectory, which as far as I could gather, was straight towards the ground. But they weren't afraid or anything, they were just spouting off random equations. It was all very strange, and while some of the details are a little fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure I died in each one, the rancor crushed me and the plane crashed into the ground.
All of this is just a little too weird. I mean, if dreams are some kind of window into one's consciousness, then I find myself wondering what in the world is going on in my head. Is this normal, or are you supposed to get chased my rancors and crash in to the ground while everyone in trying to do math?! But yeah, just thought I'd try to share some of my inner thoughts with all of you.


Megan said...

Last night I had a really scary dream that there were creepy looking clowns everywhere. I guess all clowns are creepy looking, but these were especially creepy.

Anonymous said...

i ALWAYS remember my dreams pretty much. they are about the most random things! and usually they are really believable so when i wake up i think that they were real until like things in real life dont quite match up with them and then i start to i dream all the time about like failing or getting OCS or detentions and stuff and when i wake up i worry about how my parents are going to react or when i am going to do the re-take or when i can serve my