Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why so Serious?

When looking back to insure that I turned in a blog from a couple weeks ago, I came upon something I would have never expected. An anonymous person came across and commented on my blog like I had just bashed their Religion. The blog I posted was about how downhill popular music is sinking. Obviously, this person somewhat misinterpreted what I was trying to get across. And they seem to not understand what a blog is either. They claimed that I posted a "biased" topic... I don't think I know of many blogs that aren't which is a pretty laughable thing to say. They got on a roll of confidence and just kept going. They made comments such as "you just seem immensely incompetent" (referring to my statements based on the particular music genres) and "you obviously haven't explored the world of music enough". This was unbelievable. Not only that, this person decided to belittle me and refer to my examples as "genres I speak of". What is laughable about that is, they decided to include genres I never even mentioned such as "gnar"(?) claiming that I referred to it. So for the most part, I was pretty disappointed in this persons reaction especially since they said "I doubt you know real rap groups" and other lashing comments. I guess this person did not realize I was talking about POPULAR music not a couple garage bands like they mentioned. Anyway, I'm not trying to start anything, but just cool it and quit the Shenanigans. Take your talk somewhere else. No one wants to hear from a negative Nelly. I mean, I thought posting blogs were about our views, not to be falsely criticized for them. 
A link to the original post about music:


RHS Flash said...

The back and forth is one of the things that worries me. I don't like getting personal... but we'll see how the blog grows.

Anonymous said...

Interesting argument.
However, I feel they failed to state a reason as to why the music you listed isn't "real," and instead, decided to rant on about their knowledge of culture and influence.

Can't help but add that the group, Immortal Technique, does not create cultural music. They are a disgrace to the community.

KryptoChicken said...

I have to say that you have my support. A lot of the songs on radios today completely and utterly suck.