Tuesday, August 5, 2008


For some reason, I've taken a liking to reading Yahoo News. Maybe it's cause reading the newspaper makes my head hurt. Weird, considering I love being a journalist, huh? Whatever. I love reading the featured stories on Yahoo. News, entertainment, sports...all wrapped up for me. :] It's quite convenient. Here's what sparked me to post this blog today...on the list of featured news stories from today and yesterday, over half have something to do with celebrity life. It both amazes me and makes me sick that celebrities who screw up their lives have become the center of ours. I am more interested in learning how to save the environment than what mess Mary-Kate Olsen is in this time.

Does anyone feel the same way? Maybe I'm crazy...who knows.


Amanda C. said...

I love the yahoo featured news,too. The convience is great and some of the exotic news is fascinating.

Christian said...

True, true. Celebrity news is the single most overly-hyped piece of America right now. It is unbelievable how much true news is ignored in modern day America... it makes me want to hurl.

Karin said...

Yep. I think that one of the main reasons celebrities screw their lives up so much is because, as you put it, "their lives are the center of ours."

hayley said...

Our culture lives our lives through the lives of celebrities. They provide provocative, scandalous, mistake-ridden qualities. So when were feeling scandalous, we turn to their scandal.
That being said, i make enough mistakes, i dont need another person doing it for me.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Amber, you are very right:) I guess most Americans love seeing celebrities screw up just as bad as they do. Misery loves company right?