Thursday, December 29, 2011


I don't care what the date is, I'm going to tell you my Christmas Eve story.

My sister and her boyfriend came over to visit. I'm totally fine with that. However, my mom told me that if they came over, I HAD to go to church. I HATE CHURCH SO FREAKING MUCH. I SWEAR, PEOPLE THERE PISS ME OFF. So, obviously, I was angry that I had to go. The church that we went to had this "concert" type thing going on. So, I sat there trying to get my mind somewhere else, but it's a bit hard when the bleachers you're sitting on is shaking and the people behind me keep putting their knee in my back.

And let me tell you something, I hate bleachers too. Why? They're so uncomfortable and everybody is jammed together. And then, you also have the people behind you. Really? I had to have a bunch of teenage guys (who obviously don't want to be there) sit behind me and the whole time, ONE OF THEM HAD TO BE TOUCHING ME. Now, it's not as awkward as it sounds, but it still made me an angry girl. Like, get off my back...

Back to the story, the these three guys keep preaching, and I'm like c'mon already! I want to go home! Seriously, it shouldn't take an hour and a half to tell me the meaning of Christmas. And don't throw in side-stories to keep us entertained. I don't care, or will I ever. Now, I'm not a hateful person, I'm just an angry one...but only because people piss me off. Then, they introduced their families, and I'm sitting there going "WHAT THE H***? Why do I need to know your family members or what Christmas traditions you guys have? I'm not here for your families."

Then, I hear my watch beep (it beeps EVERY freaking hour) and then began my Christmas. That's not how I want to start Christmas, being in a church, with some d-bags behind me and a preacher that won't shut up.

But anyways...I was so uncomfortable...and so angry.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Some people

So thrice in the last month or less, I have been driven crazy by people sitting near me at public events. I'm debating which of these social crimes is the worst.
1) At the Not So Silent Night" show in Oakland, two 20-something women sat behind us and talked throughout. They were inibriated to the max, and one was obsessed with a missing leather jacket. Talked through Florence, talked through half of Mumfords... then left. A small blessing.
2) At candlelighting on Christmas Eve, a family tradition held at our church and a moving and joyous event, the couple in front of us brought their dog. Yep, their dog. Now dogs in planes make me mad, dogs in stores get to me... but at Church. Really. OK, I get god is dog backwards... but no. Have some restraint.
3) At the Kings home opener vs. the Lakers I was concerned that my group had moved to new seats against my wishes. So I was set up for frustration. Society delivered... two male business types talked non-stop throughout the first half. About business, how they'd share tickets... anything but the game before them. Again, a small blessing that they allowed their quiet though food challenged teens sons to take the seats for the second half.

I know I am supposed to be easy-going and flexibile. But, proper etiquette matters. And talking during concerts, moves and games should be a capital offense. A dog at church... guess I'll leave that to God. But... really?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Tradition!

So, being that it's CHRISTMAS EVE, my family and I all open some of the presents tonight and save some for tomorrow. Well, this year has been the year of changing up traditions and so we will be opening all of them tomorrow. I know, big difference. -__-. But for my family, we have always done things the same way for so long- like having the same decorations on the lawn, eating the same thing from dinner on the eve of Christmas and even opening presents in the same order. But this year we threw out the lawn decorations, put the tree in a different place and even decided to cook something different for dinner. So having so many traditions change in my life at once got me thinking about the new things I should change in my life and try and keep on them for the rest of the year. But knowing that I always give up on my "New Year's Resolution" list only a couple weeks going in, maybe that'll be the first change in tradition?? Maybe it'll be a Christmas Miracle(:



I came across an article concerning top-selling Christmas presents and was amazed at what people want. It starts in the present with Let's Rock Elmo being the in demand toy and ends in 1929 with yo-yos. I liked seeing some toys I grew up around in the 90's like Tamagotchi and Furby. Its also pretty interesting to see how peoples' priorities change over a century. Speaking of centuries, I just had an epiphany that if I live to be 107 years old I would have lived in three different centuries! That seems absolutely amazing! But the reality is that a person born in 1998 or 1999 would have a better chance of achieving that.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Faculty Follies

Last night was my first time going to Faculty Follies, and it was better than I thought it would be. Some of the teachers definitely stood out ahem cough Mr. Hardy cough. I've never had him as a teacher, but he seems really funny. I have had Ms Padilla though, and I thought she was great. It was very entertaining watching my teachers do dances, skits, game shows, and singing. I can't wait until they do it again!


So, after being sick for the past week and a half... the most important week and a half of the semester, I am finally starting to feel better in time for Christmas. Yes! I still have a super runny nose, and a cough, but, hey, I can deal with that after having a pounding headache for four days, a sore throat, runny nose, cough, etc. It's the miracle season after all haha :)))


So, after school today I went to the Pizza Place with my friend, and her sister. Her sister's at Granite Oaks, so she walked up to us, after she finished school at 1. I know them from Karate, so it's definitely still weird seeing them in normal clothes. They're super nice though, so it's fun knowing people from somewhere other than school. I don't go to the Pizza Place very often, and I couldn't remember what it tasted like... it was better than I remember. I will definitely be going there more often this year.


So, the semesters over... four days until Christmas! I am finally getting into the Christmas spirit! The shopping is finally done, the presents are under the tree, and all my brother can do is talk about Santa :) After a hectic two weeks, it's nice having only blogging as homework. It's going to be a relaxing 2 and 1/2 weeks, and then school starts again. I guess my countdown to summer vacation has begun haha :)


The semster is over. Now its winter break. 5 down, 3 to go :D

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bill of Rights

So right now I am in the midst of filling out charts for the debates in language arts. I honestly don't mind this assignment at all. I am a staunch supporter of our constitutional rights, and enjoyed verbally supporting them in class. So far I've argued against an amendment banning flag burning (overruns the first amendment) , for employees' rights to wear religious clothing at work (because of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, among others), and against laws putting signs in front of sex offender's homes (Violation of ex post facto, 8th amendment). Its been a fun time.

Thunder Galleria

Last week, many families from the community gathered at Thunder Galleria for some holiday shopping! Elves guided the children as the picked out gifts for their family and friends. The kids got to take pictures with Santa, decorate cookies, and even have their gifts wrapped.

ILS Shopping Trip

Last week, yearbook and photojournalism students accompanied the ILS students on a holiday shopping trip to Walmart. The students shopped for gifts for their family. After, everyone went to McDonalds for lunch. It was a great experience and everyone had a lot of fun!


Yes! Finally winter break is just a day away! A break from tests, homework, finals, everything school related. I really think I am going to enjoy this. And it can't get any better with the NBA season starting right around Christmas. I think this is going to be one of the best breaks I am going to experience!

Monday, December 19, 2011


This week all of my to-do's have to do with school: finals, essays, stringing together loose ends. In 48 hours, my priorities will shift to making the most of 18 sugar-plum-sweet days of break. Whenever a school break rolls around, my head is buzzing with all these new activities I want to set my time to. I get so excited about all my plans but usually end up forgetting what I wanted to do, getting lazy, and sitting around all break.
To avoid this freedom-induced slump, I am in the process of developing a fool-proof method for making the most of my break. I am someone who responds to structure in my life. I feel accomplished when I check off a completed homework assignment. Thus, I will make a list of my plans and try to schedule my break to complete all of the desired tasks. Here's my list so far:

1. Finish the Hunger Games series
2. Have a Cake Boss marathon
3. Try new cake and cupcake designs
4. Start reading Frankenstein
5. Watch Sherlock Holmes
6. Go to Skyzone
7. Try to learn more French
8. Get a new haircut
9. Do homework in the first week (haaaa)
10. Organize my room
11. Make resolution to eat better and exercise
12. Actually eat better and exercise

There, twelve so far for the twelve days of Christmas. I'm sure I've been thinking of more lately, but I can't remember them right now. Happy winter.


I'm making cake pops today. The cake part of the cake pops is baking in the oven right now. I need to wait about 15 minutes before the cake is baked. Once it out of the oven, I will smash the cake into tiny tiny pieces of cake sand and then add some pre-made icing to bind the cake sand into small one and a half inch globes. Lastly I will cover each piece with melted chocolate and maybe some sprinkles. It may seem like people slave over making cake pops but really they are so easy. Well they're easy until you have to cover them in chocolate because melting chocolate is a very difficult task. So I think I'm going to get back to my baking, now.


I think my mom is a superhero in disguise. She can do just about anything she sets her mind to. It is amazing how she just decides to start a project and in the end come out successful. Whether the task be to cook something, sew something, fix something, or any other something out there, she is great at it all. For example, this weekend she decided to make a big hearty breakfast on Saturday. We had potato halves that were covered in a yummy seasoning, homemade biscuits that she spruced up with a brush of some garlic butter, and fluffy scrambled eggs. On Sunday she decided to make me a pair of pajamas. She began taking measurements around 10 in the morning and was completely done with them by midday. I now have a new pair of nice and warm homemade pajamas that fit me perfectly. She is innovative, great at solving problems, and fun to be around. I don't think I will ever be as amazing as my mother is but I'm perfectly content knowing that she is the one to guide me and to make me a better person.

Kim Jong Il

So Kim Jong Il is dead. That's clear enough. Less clear is what this means for America. Ideally, his son and succesor will try to make life better for the North Koreans as well as reduce the country's nuclear threat to America. Less ideally, he could expand the nuclear program and kill us all. Guess we'll all have to wait and see. In the mean time, I'm going to go make fun of my favorite Korean friend (North, South, same thing, right? Hehe)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


So this is my third and final blog post about the attempt by Shilpa and me to produce enchiladas. Earlier I was somewhat worried at our cooking talents. Luckily, help came when Jeffrey joined our group. This addition meant that the sum of our cooking abilities now enabled us to successfully make the enchiladas. They should taste pretty good too.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Break from PreCal

So this semester has been absolutely exhausting from the very start of the school year. I was expecting my Junior to be fun and not super difficult. Lets just say it has been the complete opposite of easy. I definitely had some fun but my classes have stressed me out so much!

I can't wait till the end of the semester! Break is going to be so amazing and feel so rewarding since I have been working so hard! PreCal has been the main reason for my stress. It was a definite mistake to take that class, I thought I would be able to handle it no problem but is has taken extreme hard work on my part, and a tutor.

I have decided not to drop the class, although its extremely difficult and I don't have the best grade, I don't want to give up. I feel that dropping a class because its hard is somewhat weak and equivalent to quitting, and quitting is something I'm not used to. Another thing that contributed to my decision to suck it up and work through it, were the wise words of my math tutor. I asked him if he thought I should drop the class and he told me that I definitely shouldn't because "A grade can never measure up to all the important knowledge you are absorbing and keeping for the rest of your life." That was kind of my "Ah ha moment" as Oprah would say. It really helped me realize that although it difficult and I don't have the best grade, this is important stuff I'm learning, and I will be able to use it my whole life.

Almost there....Not

Today, I realized that I have a bunch of stuff to do before the semester ends. Like the responsible person I am (not), I made a to-do list. On the plus side, it helped me take stock of how I should distribute the work load. On the minus side, it informed me of how much sleep I am going to lose over the next few days (I have to read a total of 500+ pages to finish various books, for example). My consolation is that one week from now, at a similar time in the evening, instead of being deep in APUS work, I will probably be asleep :).

Friday, December 16, 2011

Three Left

Today was the last full day of the first semester. Now there's an articulation day, and two minimum days (the difference is about 45 minutes of school time). Yay.

where will you be in ten years?

As first semester draws to a close, it amazes me to think that everything is going to change in about six months. People i am used to seeing every day or every other day, i probably won't see ever again. The things that i am used to doing every day is going to change.
As probably many other seniors, I will be moving away. I plan to attend Marinello beauty school in Southern California. But what happens in ten years? I get asked this question constantly. I really don't have a answer for that. I could see myself settled down in Southern California with a husband and a kid. But on the other hand, i could see myself raising a family in New Jersey or New York. I could see a million different outcomes for me. Ten years is a long time. I think about how much i have grown as a person in the past ten years, i can't imagine how much things can change in the future. I guess thats the exciting part though? Not knowing how things will turn out for you in years to come.
Guess all I or anyone for that matter is to wait and see what happens. Change, good or bad, can be tough. Change can be good though, I have to remember that.

I Hate You Grades

Why? Stupid grades. Gotta make my life SO much harder than it needs to be. I mean, I can't learn a whole unit of whatever the hell I'm studying in three weeks! Argh, and it sucks because when I get back, I'm going to be retarded from not having to look over anything.

I swear, teachers get together and make an operation of "How To Screw Julie's Grades Up." Yes, yes, definitely possible. I don't need tests all on the same day. And for any class taht I hear is just watching movies, all I have to say is "Screw you!" Argh, people make me angry...

But at least the short days will get out at 1 pm. Too bad tests, which determines my overall grade, are on those days, therefore defeating the point of making me happy with shorter days. If that makes sense... Well, AP test later, and guess who's gonna, no, most likely, probably fail? Me.

It's Friday

Last friday of senior's last first semester in our last year of high school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Catcher in the Rye

What was J.D. Salinger thinking?

After only reading 30 pages into this book, I felt lost in Holden Caulfield's life. I wanted to close the book, chuck it across the room, and never again have to open it again.

I just didn't understand! What was the point of the randomness? His stream of thoughts didn't intrigue me one bit. There was barely any background so at the get go, the book was confusing.

Around the 8th or 9th chapter, I finally gain some insight on why he thinks the way he does and acts the way he does. His nonchalant punk-ish attitude isn't just by some mere coincidence but because of the death of his brother Allie. He's acting out by smashing the windows in house, flunking all his classes at Pencey, and starting fights for no apparent reason.

But still, the book was still puzzling to the mind. He just goes at night to random bars, tells the waitress he's 21, has a drink, then up and leaves? There's no meaty description or plot to that!

Maybe that's why this book is a classic though. Because of it's simple poignant writing. The writing gets down to the simple lives of a human. The raw emotions and thoughts. Maybe some can connect to that, but, as of right now, I am most definitely not connecting with this book . . . yet.

Wisdom Teeth

So one week ago I went in for the procedure I had been dreading for weeks. Getting my wisdom teeth removed. I have always been absolutely terrified of the dentist, even going in for cleanings would make me nervous. Everyone kept telling me I would be okay because I would be knocked out and wouldn't remember a single thing. After hearing it over and over, I began to believe them all, and I calmed down a bit.

Things changed the day I went in. Sitting in the waiting room, I was about to cry from being so nervous. Little did I know, I had a very good reason to be. My parents were not aware that it is better to get your teeth removed from an oral surgeon, and according to our dentist office, they had a dentist who was an expert at this procedure. So going back in the operating room, they give me this cup of medicine to drink. It tasted like bitter apple juice. They kept asking me if I was getting sleepy, I wasn't. They gave me a little more, and the doctor came in. She said, "Let's get her numbed up!". I remember saying, "Wait, I'm still awake!". They told me I would be out soon enough. Of course, I blacked out after that and was asleep for a little while. However, a little while later I remember waking up, and I was fully conscious. I was dazed and confused, but I was fully aware of what was going on. I heard them talking, I heard the drill, but worst of all I felt the pain. It was one of the worst pains in my life. Considering I was drugged, my body was exhaused and I couldn't push my way up to make them stop. I was helpless. I began crying, screaming, and kicking-anything I could do to let them know I felt what they were doing. Thinking the dentist would stop, she instead said, "You need to stop, your behavior is unacceptable." Uh, excuse me??!! This lady was crazy. One of the assistants told me to hold her hand and squeeze when I felt pain. She had to continuously keep switching hands because I was hurting her hand so bad. After what felt like hours, they told me they were done. The second I heard this, I blacked out again.

The next thing I remember was waking up at home hours later. My mom told me the entire way home, and all night, I kept crying and saying "Mom, why didn't they stop?". After I told her everything that I remember, I'm pretty sure she is more upset than I am. The next day she went to my dentist office and gave them a piece of her mind and demanded a refund.

That was a week ago, and today is the very first day that I am not in terrible pain. In fact, I haven't taken any medicine today and I feel fine. I still can't open my mouth open all the way, and I still have to be careful with what I eat, but besides that I am very close to getting better.

As for my dentist, I'm never going there again.

98 days.

And the countdown begins. Myself, as well as many other Junior girls, are counting down the days until Junior Prom. Along with frantically searching for the perfect dress, some are wondering if they will even get a date. My experience of taking pictures of Prom last year let me take a sneak peek of what prom is like; the venue, the food, the music, the dresses. I would have definitely rated the prom a 5 out of 10. I heard mixed reviews about the food, the dance floor was fairly small, and many guests left quite early. Personally, I'm only looking forward to the party bus/limo and the pictures before. But of course, finding the perfect sequined dress is at the top of my to-do list.

crunch time

soooo it's that time of the year where my head is about to explode and im gonna tear myself to shreds. I've got essential skills to make up and grades to boost up and teachers to beg to bring my grade up a letter grade. But once I get all of this done it will only make winter break better
and yeah. But overall, I really hate this time of the year and can't wait till it's over :D

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Step into a Fairy Tale

Ever wish you could live in a fairy tale? The designers of these houses kept all sorts of fairy tales in mind when they made these houses. I personally fell in love with the Moroccan themed house in Texas that looks like a palace straight from Aladdin's world. It is on sale for a cool 8.9 million dollars! I guess it pays to live in an enchanted world. But how awesome would it be to have a figment of your imagination become a realistic thing?
The open floor plan, gorgeous colors, and delicate architecture caught my eye immediately. The layers of intricate pattern may be a bit much for some people but I find a sort of a calming beauty in the decoration. I especially like the well balanced feel of the decorations, as they do not take away from the beauty of the intricate architecture but enhance it. The style describes my taste almost perfectly. The intricate style of the patterns show the patience the designer had for their project, the vibrant colors show a bit of eccentric flare, while the purposeful and uncluttered furniture show organization.
As amazing as it would be to have a dream house like this, I cant see myself sitting at the edge of a fountain admiring my surroundings or taking the time to keep this house neat and clean. The house I have my eye on sprawls over almost 20,000 square feet of land. The upkeep seems to put a huge damper on this fairy tale house.


Some people like being ambitious about everything. Shilpa is one of those people. Unfortunately, this is not always such a good idea. Especially when the event in question involves cooking, and neither of us knows how to cook.


When I was younger I was very afraid of fire. Although today I can watch someone light a match without cowering helplessly, I'm still uncomfortably whilst watching flames consume something.

Naturally, I'm not much of a cook. One of the reasons is that I'm afraid of using my stove (and knowing me, I probably will set the house on fire regardless of my aversion to it). Besides that, I am completely complexed by anything related to non-ready-to-eat food.

So generally when Spanish class is holding a posada (Christmas party), I volunteer to bring forks or ketchup or something. But this time, my friend Shilpa suggested we do something. Some what sexistly, I figured that she would have some idea of the cooking process.

Communication is key to many things. Unfortunately, it is somewhat difficult when all of your exchanges must occur in Spanish. Nevertheless, I proceeded to get what I thought was a confirmation of my prediction.

If you've read Shilpa's blog post, you know I was fairly wrong. Turns out she assumed I could cook. Oops. Wish us luck. Also you should probably wish the rest of 4th Period AP Spanish luck.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Donating Blood

Yesterday, around 2:00 P.M., I donated blood. It was an interesting experience. After a brief medical questionnaire, I was given a finger prick to test my hemoglobin levels, and a blood pressure. The nurse told me the prick was the most painful part of the test. I figured she was just trying to make me less nervous (my heart rate was 98, which for me is somewhat elevated).

She wasn't kidding. The actual donation itself was pretty quick. There was a small prickling sensation when the needle went in, and another when it went out. Besides that I didn't feel much. I just spent a few minutes staring at a wall while my blood was collected. If, in that time, I somehow forgot I was giving blood, I probably would have assumed the sharp feeling was a rock in my sleeve or something.

The best part of the whole thing was, as I was getting up, the nurse told me I had just saved 2-3 lives. That felt good. Also, there was free food afterwards. Red Powerade has never been so ironically delicious.

Princess for a Night

My Thunder Galleria experience turned out to be different from last year. I was asked once again to dress up as Princess Jasmine and walk around the cafeteria talking to the children at the event. At first I was indecisive on whether I wanted to go to Thunder Galleria or not because there weren't many other girls who had volunteered as the other princesses, but in the end I needed to finish a CSF project for the semester so I showed up Monday night in my Jasmine costume ready to be talkative and cordial. Aside from myself, one other person had agreed to dress up. She came as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Together we began wandering around the cafeteria, but before long we were asked to become elves due to a shortage in students able to guide little children. Both Belle and Jasmine were assigned to the sweetest little girl. She was sure to get presents for all of her family members. We took her to get her picture taken with Santa but when it came time to pick up her printed picture, we could not find it. She was a patient little girl who was very mature about her lost picture. In stead of becoming sad, she brushed it off with a brave, "it's okay, I can get a picture next time." She was absolutely adorable and made my first experience at being an elf quite memorable. I am proud of how successful the event was but I am also sorry that this is my last year being able to participate in Thunder Galleria as a high school student.

Thunder Galleria

This was my first year on the board of directors for thunder galleria, and I have to say, it was really enjoyable. The other day when we were setting up, putting up Christmas lights and getting everything ready it was really fun. After handing out the gift vouchers to all of the elves, there were still a few kids left so I was elected to become an elf as well. I had the nicest little kid, he said that his two favorites were God and Santa. He told me that he was very thankful that we put on Thunder Galleria and also said that he thanks God and santa for blessing all of the boys and girls of the world,.. he was only 6. When I took him back to his mom, she was so thankful and very appreciative. It truly was an awesome Thunder Galleria.

My Real Last Blog of 2011

Well, last night I blogged and said that it was my last blog of 2011, apparently I was wrong because I realized I had only nine blogs instead of ten... oops. Math has never been my strong point. But it just so happens I had a horrifying morning which gives me the perfect story to rant about on my real last blog of 2011.

To start off with, I have a billion tests before the semester ends. I have a Language Arts presentation today (I'm terrified of public speaking), then I have a LA test, two chem tests and a final, a Spanish 3 Honors test, and last and definitely the worst of all, I have an AP World test on Friday. These tests pretty much determine all of my final grades and that is terrifying.

So back to this morning, I had been studying like a crazy person since 5 a.m. therefore I got in the shower late. I had 30 min to get ready once I got out and I still had to finish a chapter in AP World. Then, as I was walking out the door my backpack broke. The zipper got stuck in the cloth and not just kind of stuck, like it refused to come out. Even my dad got frustrated and he ended up just breaking it. Now it is 7:15 and to be on time I usually have to leave at 7:10. So I quickly found a random bag, shoved all my stuff in it and ran out the door.

I hate the end of the semester. Everything is so much more stressful and the littlest things make me want to shoot someone. For the next 5 days my life will consist of textbooks and outlines. Yay.

Fear Factor

So, the other night Fear Factor returned to TV. This show was always one of my favorites in the first and second grade and its finally back on. Even though its pretty gross, it's really entertaining too. I only got to see the last half hour of it because of Thunder Galleria, but it is definitely on TV to stay for awhile. The contestants had to swim in cow blood to retreive cow hearts with their mouths, as well as eat scorpions. Although, the did have to climb out of a bus and grab a string dangling from a helicopter as well. Anyhow, Fear Factor is entertaining as well as repulsive, but it's definitely suspenseful and a show to watch.

Christmas is almost here

Ohkay so I don't understand why people don't like caraoling. Caroling is wonderful in my opinion. What better way to get in Christmas spirit? I mean obviously Buddy the elf agrees. That should be enough. I was planning on having a get to gether and go caroling with my friends. There are two problems however. One my friends despise caroling, and two, I think we won't have enough time because we'll all need to study for finals.
Speaking of finals, I am freaking out! I have an AP bio final, an anatomy final and an SAT vocab final for Pereira all on Tuesday! Goodness that's less than one week away. I am scared. I will definitely be studying all weekend. It's my last oppertunity to do well this semester, and I need to finish up strong.
Well I hope you are all not as stressed as me! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


[contributed by Jacob Watson, freshman]
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Amanda made an OA.
We need funds to help us run.
Please donate some today!

(Speech and Debate is going caroling for money! Please donate~)

Donations needed, are you listening,
In the lane, students whisperin'
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight,
Walking in our 4N6 wonderland.

So away to our rounds
But here to stay is our sound
We'll sing you a song,
As we go along,
Walking in a 4N6 wonderland.

In the meadow, Tommy'll do some PubFo
He'll be talking about our world,
He'll say: "Do you believe me?"
We'll say: No man,
But your words sure do sting
when they are hurled

Later on, we'll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To say unafraid,
The speeches that we've made,
Speaking in a forensics wonderland

In the meadow, you can hear a duo,
you'll laugh when their faces smile and frown,
We'll have lots of fun with the Jiang Twins,
They will knock the competition down.

Donations needed, please be listening,
In the lane, we are whispering,
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight,
Donate to the 4N6 wonderland.

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight

Lately I have been staying up later than usual to finish homework and as a result my sleep pattern has been off. I actually began reading a book in middle school called, "Scrambled Eggs at Midnight". It was one of those obscure books that talked about some girl's problems in life that I couldn't relate to and didn't try to finish. Well I hadn't thought about this book until about a month ago when I started to catch a bit of senioritis. When it gets to be around midnight, I feel as if my brain is being whisked, poured into a sizzling pan, and being cooked into chunks of scrambled eggs. My head would become a disarray, my thought process would slow down and I would feel altogether sluggish throughout the day. I have to take the blame for having bad time management skills but I wish I could find a quick cure for my laziness for at least these last few days before winter break.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Last Blog of 2011

So, it's Tuesday evening and I didn't really have Journalism today but I was sitting at my computer stressing over Chemistry then decided that I should go write a blog so I will have more time to study tomorrow. Then I realized that once said blog was written, I would have no other blog weeks left this year. It's so weird to think that 2011 is coming to a close. This year has gone by so incredibley fast, I cannot even believe it.

On a different note I have a presentation in Language Arts tomorrow and I am terrified. I hate public speaking with a passion. In fifth grade I had to do a speech in front of my entire class and when I got up there, I forgot every single thing I was supposed to say. Little 11 year old me was mortified and ever since then I have been deathly afraid of talking in front of people. Plus, this grade is pretty much my last major grade in the class for the semester which is even more traumatizing! Ugh I hate school!

Anyways I should probably get back to Chemistry now considering all I am doing at the moment is procrastinating. Dear Christmas Break, please come sooner. Goodbye Blogs of 2011 forever.


So on Monday Rahul (here on reffered to as Raha) and I will need to bring a Mexican food item for our party in AP Spanish. Therefore, this item needs to turn out well for a few reasons. The first one bieng that it is extra credit and I will feel bad if I get extra credit for food that does not taste good. Another one being that all of the other food will be good and ours will stick out if it isn't. Oh, and there is the fact that we have less than 15 people in our class and after you factor in that I am assuming most of them will forget, there won't be that much food. But most importantly I don't want to deal with the leftovers so I need them to finish it. This means that Raha will need to come over and help me cook the food on Sunday, hopefully he is okay with that since I never really asked him. And hopefully he knows how to cook because after looking up these recipes I am not very confident in my ability to cook. Oh, and to clarify for anyone not in Spanish posada is like a potluck so the blog is appropirately named.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Post Wisdom Teeth

So the last time I blogged I wrote about before getting my wisdom teeth out. I was so nervous but it wasn't a big deal at all. I would have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life. No joke. Everyone said it would be so painful so I was expecting the worst.
I got to miss two days of school, which meant that I got to start my Thanksgiving break two days early. It was awesome. The procedure was very fast and I didn't wake up with pain and I wasn't nauseous. When I went home I got to eat fro yo and watch my netflix. I didn't really have that much pain in my mouth, and the medications they gave me made me feel almost nothing. It wasn't bad at all.
Also some of my friends came to my house Friday night to have a Star Wars marathon. I'd never seen the movies before so it was good to say I finally watched them. Also they brought me Jamba juice so it was nice to know they cared. :)
So overall getting my wisdom teeth out was great. It's something I would definitely do again.

Where are you Christmas?

This year it really does not feel like Christmas. I don't know why, I just haven't been feeling it this season. My house is now completely decorated as of yesterday but it still has not sunk in. When I was little, just like pretty much every other little kid, by this time of the year I would be bouncing off the walls with excitement. I remember sitting under the Christmas tree and gazing at all the gorgeous lights, I remember the eager anticipation of Santa Claus, and I remember having a huge dinner with my entire family.

Now, Christmas seems distant and elusive. Not even my youngest brother still believes in Santa Claus (although he still pretends to). But even last year I was more into the Christmas spirit. Maybe it is because break starts so late this year or maybe my attention is too focused elsewhere. Either way I need to get back my Christmas spirit.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Winter staple

Over Thanksgiving break I acquired a new taste for boots. I usually don't like to take too much time in the morning thinking about what I wear, so as long as it looks presentable, I'll wear it. Now I find myself on an endless hunt for the perfect pair of boots. I have a basic image of what I'm looking for: tall, relativly flat, in a dark color (either black or brown), with one buckle around the ankle and another buckle at the top of the boot.The hardest part of finding the perfect pair is that you have an image of what you want but you feel like you should keep looking because you don't want to settle on the first pair you see. As much as I hate having to depend on the internet for shopping, I have attempted to search for boots there as well. I've kept a lookout for any boots whenever I go shopping but none of them are just perfect. My Goldilock-like behavior isnt making the search the least bit easy. Some pairs are too slouchy, some have a round toe, some have a wedge heel, some are not the right color, some dont come in the right size, some make me look shorter, some are too tall, some are not comfortable, some don't match my style. I feel as if my ideal boot doesnt exist at all or it is very cleverly avoiding me. I hope I will be able to find the perfect pair of boots before the cold weather comes to an end.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Best Friends Part 2

Here's the rest.

I can't say the rest of the names mainly because I don't want to, but it's also for their privacy.

There is another girl. Hella close. I knew her for a while and because drama caught up to us, we stopped talking. I thought she hated me and it was really awkward to see her, but with a few pushes and thinking, we talked. We solved our problems, but you know, animosity grew in me because I was just thinking "What the hell?! Why won't you talk to me? I didn't do anything to you." I felt a little bit abandoned.

Recently, again, I've had another set of friend problems. We don't talk anymore. I want to just give her a hug, but her work interferes. She... I don't know anymore. What should I do? I mean, I love her. I told her everything. If you didn't know, I have trust issues, I feel if I tell someone something, they'll walk away and tell everyone else, just like what happened in sixth grade. But I opened up to her and didn't hold back. And for something(which I don't even know) to get in the way and crumble everything that we had...I think is the most retarded ever.

I don't know if it's just because of her work, but please, I know you read these, but please, just talk to me. That's all I want, I don't want to be abandoned again. I'm tired of losing friends, I just want one...only one to be there for me. However, if this continues, my happiness will be traded for hatred and bitterness. The reality of best friends haunts me.

Best Friends

Well, throughout my life, all of my best friends have left me. I know, sad right? Let's go through the most memorable ones.

Sarah. I met her in like first grade and we would go everywhere together. Our school time would be spent together and although I honestly don't have much to remember since she didn't exactly have any weird or outrageous moments considering we were only in elementary school. But I do remember spending time with her and yeah.

The reason I don't have much to remember is because she died. Eight years ago on Easter night. The cause? Some douchebag was driving drunk. I remember that I was told her mom was sent to the hospital and her two brothers were in good condition. She was the only one who didn't make it (in her family at least). My parents told me what happened and to be quite honest, I think people thought I would just move on from her and forget she even existed, but I remember her. And she'll stay in my memories forever.

Next, Deanna. O my gosh, she was like my twin. I met her in fourth grade and I also knew her for a short period of time. But we were chill. I looked up to her because I thought she was an amazing person.

I had to move. We spoke once after that on the phone, and by that time, she met new people and while she told me about them, I felt left out, and that I obviously can't connect to her anymore. Recently, while in Kohls, I saw her. It blew my mind. She still looked like the same bubbly person I knew several years ago, but looking at her now, we've obviously grown apart. Two seperate people.

I'll post a part two to this because it's really long!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Am I crazy? No, but apparently I need to go back to college.

So recently, I have come to the realization that my good friend and editor Shilpa is somewhat neurotic. She, however, refused to trust in my diagnosis, especially when I accidentally said "neurotism" instead of "neurosis". Anyway, so we decided to look up some online tests. Just out of curiosity, I took one to. All was going smoothly until the final question, "Do you want to become smarter?". I figured I didn't really need to but clicked yes anyway. Then, all of a sudden, my computer started trying to sell me on some online college that would probably give me a virus were I to click the link. But hey. I'm not crazy. Too bad Shilpa didn't get that result. She is, however, in my computer spelling dictionary now. That made her very happy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Speech and debate's always on my mind, so here's another ramble about it.

I love Speech and Debate, and Mock Trial, and all my speaking activities. I really really do. I don't think people get that about me. I feel most alive when I'm in front of a crowd, when I'm enjoying the adreneline rush from knowing that my words have meaning. It makes me feel (this sounds so cliche) magical. I feel like my words are powerful. I've been doing a dramati interpretation of a Holocaust clown, and I swear, there is nothing as awesome as when you see your audience get visibly creeped out by your interpretation. One of my rounds, I saw this girl give me the most freaked out look EVER! It was so funny. I've consistantly broken, both in varsity and in novice, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.


I never really used skype before unless i was with my friends and we were just messing around with it. That all changed when my girlfriend got a itouch that could skype and since she doesn't have a phone, we used Skype to talk. Now late night convorsations are common and Skype is to be thanked for this. I even use Skype now to talk to people i could call but i'm slowly starting to perfer Skype calls. The only thing now is i wish i had an itouch so i could Skype people anywhere and not have to use minutes at all.


I feel really wierd blogging in Journalism because people all blog about personal and family issues, school, friends, tv, and all this drama and literally all i blog about is basketball...we might need to just get a basketball blog for me because i'm not blogging about nothing else...hahaha...maybe i need to get with the times and complain about how my girlfriend sucks or my teacher is a douche, but nah i don't want to and don't need to...i'll just keep the blogging going....

welcome to non-stop basketball

After the Whitney game wednesday, when i pulled my hamstring, i looked back as i missed the last two practices and realized that that was the first time in two years i hadn't played basketball full speed on back to back days! It was horrible, i've now missed foiur straight days (I don't know how long it's been since i've done that), and i'm in danger of not even being able to play today in a huge game....Welcome to non-stop basketball.
I kind of always knew this was coming i mean, it happens to everybody who plays basketball year-round for a decent amount of years unless you're freaky lucky...injuries start to pile have to be careful with your body, which for the most part i am. Eating healthy, stretching everyday, keeping in top condition, having high muscular strength and know, the works...but sometimes that's not enough. Then, all you can say is, welcome to non-stop basketball.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I am so ready for Christmas!!! I am ready for a few weeks off of school, and hopefully no tests afterwards, because it's a new semester. I think I'll sleep a lot. And watch a lot of TV.

What about you? Is anyone going anywhere? Tell me about it, because even if I'm not going, I get excited for the freedom of two weeks off!


I work at Origin, the coffee shop, but you may know that because I've blogged about Origin before. Well, Origin is now selling soups as well as drinks and pastries. I tried some of the soups, and they were amazing!

Since I work the shift through dinner time, I might start bringing money to buy the soup for myself, because it is that good.

At Origin they have two sizes of mugs, a 12 oz, and a 16 oz. The 16 oz. ones look really big, and that's what the soup comes in. The soup also comes with two pieces of break, that is amazing! They had a bag of the bread for the volunteers to sample, and I might have eaten half of the bag. Oops.

Origin also has new seasonal drinks now, Caramel Apple Cider, and Pumpkin Spice Chai. I have to admit, those are my two favorite drinks. I personally do not like coffee, but I do love the smell. Which is good because I work in a coffee shop. Anyway, whenever the barista makes a drink, and there's some left over, she'll keep all of the shots of espresso, and coffee, and half the chai's, and she gives me the other half of the chai's, the hot chocolates, the apple ciders, pretty much everything without coffee. It's great!

The barista tried to teach me how to set my own grind, and pull a shot yesterday... and, as you know... I don't like coffee, but she made me try it because she wanted me to know what a bad one tasted like... it was disgusting... I think I drank about 5 bottles of water afterwards. It was so bitter. Ugh.

Oh well, maybe I'll grow to like it, since I'm around it so often now. I used to not like the smell... but now I do, so maybe there's hope ;)

Anyway, everyone should go and try Origin's new seasonal drinks, and their soups.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Over break, I really really hope I don't have much homework. Most of my teachers are giving tests in these next two weeks, and in a lot of my classes I have at least three more tests to go. Well, that applies to two classes. These next two weeks are not going to be very fun, but the two and a half weeks after it will be! On the last day of the semester, me, and the friend I walk home with, are going to the Pizza Place to eat lunch, and wait for her sister (who is at Granite Oaks) to come join us, and then, after we eat, we will all walk home together. I think it will be very fun! I know them, and their dad, because we all do Karate together, and it's really nice getting to know them better.


I am so excited for Christmas! This year, though, I'm not as excited about the presents, I'm more excited about the two weeks off. I have friends from Australia and England staying with us over break, so it will be exciting. I haven't spent all that much time with the friends from Down Under, because they're so far away. We talk on facebook all the time though, and it will be interesting hearing four different accents from four different countries in our house.

Working Black Friday

Instead of going shopping on Black Friday, I had to work. Because Target was short on cashiers they pulled me out of Starbucks and made me work the register. It was terrible. I didn’t know what I was doing, there was a ton of people, and I was constantly asking the supervisor for help. Because there was so many sales, a lot of them didn’t register in the computer when I rang up items up, resulting in a lot of angry customers and time consuming price changes. I worked at the register for 8 hours and by the end of the day I was completely exhausted. I am so glad that I work at Starbucks and I really hope I never have to do that again.

New Job

A few weeks ago I started working at Starbucks in Target. At first it was really stressful and I had no idea what I was doing, but after two weeks of training, it has become easier. I like it because there is always something to do and the time goes by quickly. Because each drink is a little different, there is so much to learn and remember. It can be very overwhelming especially when there are a lot of customers at one time or when people order drinks that stray from the norm. Luckily my coworkers are very supportive and always willing to help when out whenever I am having difficulty remembering how to make a drink or when I have a question. Besides making drinks it is important to keep the store clean, and the displays and ingredients stocked. We also have to keep up on the daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks. Although I wish I worked less hours,I am enjoying learning something new and most importantly, making money.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Daniel Radcliffe Web Conference

At the National Journalism Convention two weeks ago, Holly, Alie and I got the opportunity to attend at live web conference with Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe. Being the avid Harry Potter fan that I am, I was extremely excited as you can probably tell by the video above due to the fact I can't hold the camera still. The way the conference worked was we could see him on a giant projector screen and he could hear us but not see us. We all lined up in the aisles in front of two microphones to ask our questions. Though the three of us weren't able to ask him our questions, it was still an experience I will never forget. I was amazed at how humble and down to Earth Daniel was. Unfortunately, since I was waiting in line, I didn't have my camera with me until the very end but I did get to take this video. Since we were only able to ask two Harry Potter-related questions, the guy running the conference did this thing at the end where he would say the name of someone from the cast of the series and Daniel would have to say one word that described them (or at least that is what he was supposed to do). So make sure to watch it and experience the wonderfulness that is Daniel Radcliffe.

Indoor Soccer

"This is gonna be so awesome!"- that was my original thinking of this. My thoughts were twisted and tormented on the first day when I was shoved and tripped to the ground, kicked at least 3 times and had to do 60 or so push ups.
Can I make a slight alter to my original thinking? Yes. Correction: "Indoor soccer will be fun, as long as I stay out of people's way and remember to not get near this person or this person and to not volunteer to play for "fun" in a game that does not require me for I will be stuck in the game for 3 consecutive times."
So indoor soccer: Round 1 wasn't all that good. But today wasn't that bad. I didn't get tripped and I didn't have to do push-ups. I'd say that is a good start. Though, I do hope that we start our Ping-Pong unit soon.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Just announced on CNN this morning, Kourtney Kardashian and her boyfriend, Scott Disick, are expecting their 2nd child! She's 9 weeks pregnant!

Just thought all of you might wanna know ;)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas is in the air!

So, I've noticed that each year, people get more and more impatient to put up Christmas decorations. Don't get me wrong, I love decorations. But I mean, we have Thanksgiving for a reason- it's a celebration of thanks and everything we should be thankful for- but people seem to think that we can skip it altogether and go sledding straight to Christmas. Sure, people decorate early, it went from mid-December to the start of December, but starting to decorate a week before THANKSGIVING? Seriously?? Is that really necessary?? Now, I can understand the end of Thanksgiving.... but the start of the week before Thanksgiving break??? Soon it will be the start of break, then up to the beginning of November.
Now again, I love decorations. I love holidays. But I don't understand the concept of why people have the need to start putting up lights and stockings and reefs before we past Thanksgiving. It just boggles my mind on why they think of this. Now decorating the day after Thanksgiving, that's okay because you have acknowledged it and given thanks; but any day earlier should be saved for preparing for Thanksgiving.
Respect the Bird, then Respect the Tree. It's a very simple concept to follow.

Now that I am done ranting: Christmas Season is finally here! My mom broke out all of her Christmas songs yesterday and my dad has already started putting up the tree. The house isn't decorated yet, but come December it will be. I've made my list and getting in the spirit of things. The only thing that is bumming me out is that we have 3 weeks of school left. But at least it's only 3 weeks!

Typical Thanksgiving Break

Lazy movie days filled with eating comfort food and wrapping yourself in furry blankets and having pillow fights with pillow pets. This was my Thanksgiving break at the core, and when I wasn't watching movies at home, I was going to the movie theaters. First, I saw Breaking Dawn, which was really good but slightly distrubing to me just because of the end...babies...being ripped out of a stomache....dear god. Anyways, I then watchesd Puss in Boots which was hilarious and super cute! Then as my last movie I watched Happy Feet 2 which was touching and even more adorable than Puss in Boots. I went out to eat a lot too, on top of Thanksgiving, so I had to have gained 10 lbs. Progressing events over break included baking my first pie! I made a chocolate pecan pie with an emeril laggase recipe. It tasted amazing I was really proud, my brother Marc hardly helped me, I am a soon to be baker! After Thanksgiving came the Christmas rush. Although my lights aren't up, I have gone Christmas shopping for my sister and her kids who are coming for Christmas. I also went to Apple Hill which had Santa handing out candy canes and Christmas tree cutting. Overall, all of these events I have talked about had one deciding factor that made them so spectacular. My boyfriend of 5 months now did all of this with me, after he just got over tonsilitis and not seeing me for a while. It made this break amazing and an adventure. I can't wait till Christmas break because we will both have no school to worry about because of new semesters! Unfortunatley, he will still have to work :( Its okay though, money for Christmas cookies! hehe :)  

NBA Lockout is OVER!

The day has finally come! The players and owners have agreed to a deal that would close the NBA Lockout! Training Camps should begin on December 9th with the first game three games launching on Christmas Day. I almost thought for certain the season would be over. I am just simply amazed at this news. I can't wait for the first Kings game. Please make it to the playoffs this year Kings..

Christmas List

This year, I'm finding it rather difficult to come up with what I want for Christmas. I'm not really someone who buys a lot and the aspect of other people buying me stuff doesn't really appeal to me. I mean who doesn't like free stuff but at the same time knowing other people are having to go through so much trouble just to buy you that one thing you want, doesn't really brush me the right way. I don't really need anything they're getting me and I've been doing fine with out it. Anything I want would be easier to get by my self rather than have some one else buy it for me and then my Christmas list turns more into a grocery list of tech goods. I guess it's easier to do when you're younger and you think some fat magical guy is going to be doing all the work with his army of elves but when you know the people that are going to get the stuff off your list, it's a bit different.

Ahhhh Horror!

So I recently watched The Ring. I know, I know...that movie came out forrrever ago. But I finally got the guts to watch it and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The story line was great, it kept me on my toes the entire time, and it was directed well. It seriously was one of the best horror movies I've watched in a while.
It makes me wonder why I can't find any good horror movies these days. It's rare to find a scary movie that has a good quality story line. All the "horror" movies I've watched recently (besides The Ring) are horribly directed, have some random sex scene that really has nothing to do with the story, and/or have a poor quality plot. Maybe it's just me? Or do you guys feel the same on this? I mean, every once in a while I'll watch a pretty good scary movie, but usually they aren't as fantastic as they used to be.

Oh, and if you do watch The Ring for the first time like I just did, don't watch it at night and stay away from the televisions for at least 24 hours. I have a TV in my room right in front of my bed and it was incredibly hard to sleep. Just sayin.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I've been playing soccer since I was six years old. I've been on various Rocklin recreational teams for ten years. This year, a friend and I decided to be on a Roseville team after our beloved team stopped playing. It was nerve-wracking at first being the only new girls on a tight-knit team who had been nearly undefeated the year before since we had never considered our team very talented. The coach made us run and exercise more than any other rec team which was different. I was irked that for the first few weeks we barely got in any drilling or playing time amidst all the conditioning.
After losing a few games, it was clear that the girls were not at the skill level that we had expected or the coach had boasted. No one seemed really concerned with improving their soccer skills or playing as a team. It seemed rather lazy to me. Especially when we would lose 5-0. Don't get me wrong, the girls on my team are some of the most hilarious people I have ever met. I enjoy being around them, but don't really care for their soccer skills.
The second half of the season, we moved down a division and won three games, which was encouraging. Next weekend we have a tournament, District Cup, and I can only hope that our good fortune will continue.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


So since today is Thanksgiving I decided I'm going to do a blog on the things people should be thankful for. I feel that everyday we are all alive is a gift, just being able to have the chance to be alive and to experience all the wonderful thing life has to give, is a gift. Yet some people seem to think that their lives are absolutely horrible for many unimportant reasons.
On Facebook I'm constantly seeing posts about people complaining about something that happened to them with "FML" at the end of it. I know that we all know what FML stands for, I just don't really understand what could go so terribly wrong in these peoples lives where they feel the need to constantly complain about stupid little things and be so dramatic by adding the FML, some people need to realize that they're lives are not at all even close to as horrible as they think they are. We live in Rocklin, in a tiny little bubble where everything is perfect and nothing goes wrong(compared to the rest of the world); we go to school, we have nice homes, most of us have expensive cars sitting in our driveway, we have food, we have jobs, expensive smart phones, and most importantly we all have family who loves us.
There are people in the world who don't have any of these things, they are starving, most are young orphans without a place to live and without someone to care for them; living on the street just trying to survive in the extreme poverty they are living in.
Whenever I feel that something is going wrong in my life, I look around me and see my family, my house, my clothes, and the fact that I'm alive and healthy with plenty of food... and I remember that there is always someone who has it worse off than me and would kill to have my life. This helps me appreciate everything in my life even the things that I might not think are perfect.
I am so thankful for the amazing people I have in my life; my family and my friends, also for the fact that I'm living and here in this world. I hope everyone has a great a great Thanksgiving and uses this day to remember to always be thankful for everything they have, because there's someone out there wishing to have half of what we have.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh Brother

This year's Thanksgiving break, I feel I am accomplishing a lot. Not jsut sitting around the house, eating oreos, and watching Crazy Stupid Love over and over again. Though I'm not saying anything is wrong with that...

But this break, I'm visiting my bro in LA. He's a college boy now and I miss him too much. You can only Skype so much until you can't anymore and realize I need to visit this kid! Immediately!

He's my idol, my mentor, and my confidant.

Besides visitng him, we will be going to San Diego for my soccer tournament, Irvine for my family, and Downtown LA for some sightseeing.

And THANKSGIVING Oh this holiday takes the cake besides Christmas of course. Our family does Thanksgiving justice. A massive turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, stuffing, rolls and rolls of bread, and yams. It just makes your mouth water... AND we add a touch of Vietnamese cuisine. Delish.


You know what bothers me? Obnoxious people. Not like when you're with your friends and everyone is goofing off and having a good time, or at a party where it's loud and fun, but the people who love being obnoxious just for the sake of being obnoxious. Like the guy at the restaurant who just has to yell everything he says to make sure everyone hears him. Or the one guy in the movie theater who feels the need to yell profanity in dead silence. Those are the people I am talking about.

It is just so unneccessary. For example, the other day I was at a park where there are obviously little kids playing, and some rude guy decides to goof off with his friends and start screaming cuss words. Yes, I understand that people say words like that and I am not a prude, but he should have said it quieter, or at the least gone somewhere there were not any five year olds! All it is, is a way to get attention and impress their friends. I hate the "I'll do what I want and if you don't like it leave" attitude so many people have in public places now a days. Let's keep it classy while we are in public and save the joking around for where it belongs.

Kim K's joke of a wedding

Whether you are a fan of celebrity gossip or not, we all know the drama surrounding the Kardashian family right now. After just 72 days, the socialite ended her marriage with basketball player Kris Humphries. After making a visit to see her NFL ex-boyfriend, Reggie Bush, Kardashian filed for divorce. How did Mr. Humphries find this out? TMZ. To make things worse, the two only knew each other a few months before they got married. It was never in any way a long-term relationship. Kim K and her family raised so much hype leading up to this televised wedding, it was a total shock when the public heard that the 10 million dollar wedding was down the drain.

I have never really been a Kardashian fan, the only reason Kim is famous is thanks to her dad, and her butt. I will admit to watching the family's reality show, however when I saw on the news yesterday that all her "fans" are now boycotting the entire family, all I could do was laugh. Her personal problems do not affect me what-so-ever, in fact, they actually provided me with some hilarious entertainment. On twitter, one of the latest "trends" was, #ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage. Here are a few of my favorite:

- the iPhone battery life
- Justin Bieber's chest hair
- the NBA lockout
- the trick-or-treat line outside Casey Anthony's house
- the Miami Dolphins win streak
- the time Rebecca Black took to choose a seat
- Lindsay Lohan staying sober
- Kim K's singing career
- Taylor Swift's speech before Kanye interrupted

College applications

So it turns out that I am probably going to be that student who waits until the last minute to get her UC applications in. I'm not sure what it is, but I am having an extremely difficult time figuring out what I am going to write about for my personal statments. The application portion is completed (that took me about six hours...) but I'm not getting anywhere on the essays. I dedicated three days for just writing my essays. I even took off work to do it! And I still have not gotten anywhere. I start writing a paragraph and then I decide I hate it, or I realize I'm rambling about nothing and I start over. Maybe it's because I don't know who I am yet...? I am so confused and scared. UC Davis/UCLA are my top choices and if I don't get my apps done, I'll either have to go Sierra or to one of my backups. I've always kept the option of Sierra open, but I just really want to get out of Rocklin for a while...
Here is where I have applied/will be applying to (hopefully)
Have applied:
Cal Poly - Biological Sciences with emphasis in Anatomy/Physiology
Chico - Cellular and Molecular Biology
San Diego State - Nursing
Will apply:
UC Davis - Exercise Biology
UCLA - Nursing
UCSB - Physiology
I'm not sure what private schools I want to apply to...
But I'm so excited!!!

The ol' Bandwagon label

So I've been a packers fan for 4 years now. Ever since Brett Favre was on the team and trust me that was a looooong time ago. Even as a freshman i was wearing my packers shirt and people clearly knew I was a packers fan. So they finally win a superbowl just this febuarary, I just happen to say I'm a fan of the packers, or wear some kind of form of packers clothing and BAM-labeled a bandwagon. And in sports, being called a bandwagon is the biggest offense you could EVER say to a fan. No matter how much I protest, no they won a superbowl and I'm the bandwagon fan. It sucks because they're all these other people who are the TRUE bandwagon, and I get thrown into the mix even though I'm the true fan. I pretty much can't even show support or my liking anymore because the word bandwagon slips out. Hell, I would rather see another team win the superbowl just s the label goes away. Buuuut you know what? I LOVE that team, they're undefeated, stacked with my favorite players, so call me bandwagon or not, but I will ALWAYS be a packers fan. GO PACK GO!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So yesterday I went to go throw something away in my math class and I found a copy of The Flash in the trash can. Automatically my mood changed from annoyed(since I was in Math class) to furious. I took it out of the trash... yes I took something out of the trash, that's how much of a dedicated journalism student I am haha, and asked the person closest to the garbage who did it. It turned out to be the girl who sits behind me.

I asked her about it and explained how hard we worked on it and how it should not be thrown away. She replied with "well I wasn't in it, so there was no reason for me to read it." After I heard this, I become even more upset. People shouldn't decide whether to read it or not just because they are or aren't featured in The Flash.

Some people might not understand why its such a big deal to me, but since I know how hard everyone has worked on it and it just really upsets me when people either don't care about The Flash or disrespect it by throwing out. It is not only disrespectful to The Flash, it also is extremely disrespectful to all us journalism students who worked so hard! So please, if you see anyone disrespecting our Flash just let them know how much effort was put in it and how rude they are being.

Respect The Flash! :)

Modern media

Oh, the wonders of modern technology and social connections.

I am stuck in the Denver Airport for what will now be at least 3.5 hours waiting for my connection to Minneapolis and the JEA Convention. So, I just have logged on and caught up on grading. I love that about Google Docs.

However, the layover is a bit much. I left a bit later so I could drop Carson at daycare for three days (at 5 a.m.) and now will arrive so late it will be a bolt to the Mall of America to meet the kids. The sky is perfectly clear and blue in Denver as I sit, waiting. However, the temperature has not reached 30 degrees yet. Guess it's a "tune-up" for Minneapolis.

In addition to modern technology, moden travel is amazing. I never thought I'd cross the United States so often, and in so many different directions. I love travelling alone and not having to talk unless I want to. I'm very good at icing out the person next to me on a plane. But more and more I find myself thinking about going home, even as I am en route away.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I want to travel

I want to go somewhere. It seems like everyone is going somewhere over Thanksgiving break. For once, I just want to get out of rocklin.
I would love to go down to So Cal to visit mi familia and my friends. I have a few good friends that live down there who I haven't seen for like 5 months. They're like my brothers and sisters so I really want to go visit them. I also really want to go to Italy. I've dreamt about going to Italy for such a long time now. I think it would be really interesting to go there and just learn about the culture and experience it. I really don't care where I go, I just want to experience something different for a week to break up the routine of Rocklin. Maybe one day, I'll get away.

I'm scared of the dentist...

Yes, I'll admit it. I am scared of the dentist. Just the way a child is scared of the dark. Every single time I go I want to cry. In the past I have some of the worst experiences, one of which involved not enough novacaine. Through the years I have had braces, teeth extractions, screws put into my gums and every single time I NEVER had a good experience.

I'm going tomorrow, and let me tell you, I am scared to death. My wisdom teeth are starting to come in. I waited as long as I could to tell my mom so I wouldn't have to go, but the pain is becoming bad so I know I have to. The only thing that is keeping me from going crazy about tomorrow, is what my brother told me. We recently switched dentists, I have yet to go but my brother went last week. He said it was the best experience ever. First off, he claims the people working there are the nicest you will ever meet. Then, once they bring you into the room, you sit down in a massage chair, and are reclined back to watch a flat screen TV on the ceiling. While getting poked and prodded, you can enjoy a nice wax hand massage. Really? I have to pay $40 for a manicure to get a hand massage. Finally, once you leave, they offer you fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Now that's service.

I really hope my brother is right. But knowing him, I could see him just saying that as a cruel joke. Guess I'll find out tomorrow....

Wisdom Teeth

So guess who's getting their wisdom teeth pulled out on Thursday? That's right, I am.Well I guess getting out my wisdom teeth won't be too bad. I will get to live off of smoothies and ice cream. However, I'm really mad because of the day I'm getting them out. I was scheduled to get them out on Monday during Thanksgiving break, but now I have to get them out this Thursday, due to schedule conflicts. It's either now, or at Christmas, and I can't wait any longer. Ohhh and I forgot to mention that, I have a "weak jaw joint", so I won't be able to eat any solid foods for three weeks. No turkey and pumpkin pie this year.
Anyways, at least my friends have told me they're cmoing to visit me and they're bringing me fun stuff. For the next week I'll get to know netflix instant very well. Time to get caught up on shows!

Finally the Smart One

My 8th grade brother is in the same math class as me ( geometry), at first this was embarassing considering he is two years younger than me. However, now I love it! This is the first year I have ever had a higher grade than him in a math class. He hates it, but I'm soaking it up. Now, he can't call me stupid or make fun of me for not understanding because I am now the math genius.

Last night he even asked for MY help on his homework. This is definitly good for my self confidence, not gonna lie. Every once in awhile he'll point out that I am a sophomore in geometry but I don't even care. I love being the smart one.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fascinating Architecture

I find that the minute I turn on my computer and open up the internet I just have to scroll through the thumbnails on the yahoo home page. My interest usually sways towards health stories, celebrity style missteps, or houses for sale. This time around my interest was caught by a link named "Skinny Houses for Sale". The link led me to pictures of impossible narrow living spaces. It is amazing what some people come up with sometimes for convenience sake and sometimes just to make the impossible, possible. I don't know about other people but I find things like these interesting.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

AP Biology... A Blessing or a Curse?

The title says it all.

WHen I decided to take this class last year I thought alright, I can do this. It's not going to be to bad right? And then I actually was in the class, learning the stuff, and saying crap.

From this point, I thought of AP Bio as the death of me. It was going to practically kill me with all the reading, the labs, the tests! I wanted to curl up into a ball, scream I dont want to read the AP Bio chapter tonight, and then never take the tests.

But, I had a sudden epiphany if you will. I could just wallow in my sorrow and complaining or simply push past it and make this AP Bio year the best it could possibly be.

I need to get over my pointless complaints and simply embrace this as a blessing! It's a pretty useful class to take. It'll provide me the pre requeisites needed in college. Hopefully the rewards outweigh the negatives.

CMA Awards

It was Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley's fourth year hosting the CMA Awards and this year, they definitely made it a big hit.

Now, I'm not the biggest fan of country but yesterday's CMA's definitely changed my mind.

Whether it was Carrie's and Brad's dynamic duo-ness or Luke Bryant's performance of Country Girl Shake it for Me or Taylor Swift's heart-warming performance of her song "Ours", it was a night to remember.

All of Country's finest were sitting among the crowd having a great time hearing all of the hosts' antics. They walked the red carpet with star-studded gowns (though some outfits were quite questionable).

Then came the awards. The Band Perry grabbed several awards which was no surprise to me but Maddie Lowell made a good point in that they had only one hit song! Whatever... it's up to the people and if the people like the "one hit wonder" then they can go right ahead and vote for them.

Taylor Swift of course won entertainer of the year. It truly befuddles me how one girl's boy troubles can make millions of dollars and earn so much success. Inspiring? I can guess you can say so but that's up for debate.

These were the main highlights of the night but there so many other successes throughout though I can't exactly remember them all...

Still, it was a truly successful CMA Awards.


Journalism is the best class ever. I get to sit here and blog, while talking to a friend. Once I finish blogging, I can talk some more, because we just finished a copy of the Flash, and I have turned in all of my assignments, so I can just sit here and do homework. This class is really useful, because before a test, I can quickly review everything the period or two before, and then I can do my other work. It is definitely a safety net.

Winter Jig and French

So, the Winter Jig is tonight. I can't go because I'm busy, but it seems like barely anybody is going. Half of my friends are having a movie night, and I think it seems like having a Winter Jig in November is ridiculus. I think that the Winter Jig should at least be in December, because that's when I start feeling the wintery Christmas spirit. Saying that though, I have already made my holiday playlist on iTunes.

On another note, French Club is having a Breakfast Bistro on December 5th, and I'm really excited because we're having Madelines (Sp?) and hot chocolate. I have to admit that my favorite foods for the Bistro, are Madelines, hot chocolate, and crepes. Plus, nutella is always nice :)

The Final Race

Friday is the day. While the rest of my peers are inside sleeping, enjoying the day off, I will be at Folsom High. Racing for the final time of the 2011 cross country season. The pressure to perform well it taking over my brain and it is all I can think about. But the pressure is not coming from my coaches, my teammates, or even my parents. It is coming from me alone. After being injured for the majority of the season I feel I have to prove myself once again. Show everyone that I can be the great runner that I was freshman year and that they should not count me out of the competion.

Plus, it is my last race with the seniors. I definitly am going to be sadder this year then last because of who is graduating. Next year will not be the same without a specific someone always reminding me to take out my earings at the starting line (she has saved me from getting disqualified from at least five races).

Sections MUST be a success.

Tennis comes to an end this year

So my tennis season has come to an end this school year. As a team we made it really far. We were able to make it all the way to semifinals. We played Granite Bay, they're one of the top teams in the entire state. Despite the loss, we still tried our best and were able to win two matches out of the nine. That was one more than the previous times we played them.
Although we tried our best, I'm still a bit sad that it was our last match. The girls on my team have grown so close to me, they're like sisters now. I will miss my senior girls so much. It makes me sad to think that yesterday was the last match with Shannon, Holly and Stefanie. I will miss them so much.
Although the seasons over, I won't stop playing. I'll continue to play throughout the week to improve my game. Also I'll cross train to help my game. Next year will be my last year, and I want to be at a higher rank than I am now. So hopefully, if I remain dedicated, my work will pay off next year.

UFC Club

Warning: this is not a sponsored message for the actual Fight Club.

What's UFC Club then if it's not a Fight Club?

Let me begin by telling you a little story.

It was a bright sunny day. We were walking, Maddie and I. She and I were walking towards Werner when suddenly it hit us both. It was as if the gods were sending us a message. A message for what? A message to save this world! We looked up to the heavens and saw our mission!

We knew what we needed to do. Start UFC club with Werner as our advisor and help those suffering from poverty, hunger, and those who need educational improvements. This was our calling and we most definitely answered.

Okay, this may not be exactly how it went down but it was pretty darn close.

We just wanted to give back. To me, we, as a society, have so much. Sometimes, borderline too much. But, we have a certain obligation to give what we have to others for if we didnt, what we be? We wouldn't really be humans. We would be selfish greedy organisms that roam the planet.

I think as people we pride ourselves on that fact that we can feel. That we are humane and that we express emotions to the enth degree. But sometimes people forget this aspect of our human society and we lose sight of who we really are.

It is for this that Maddie and I started to club. To remind people of what they have to give.

Escalation Is Bad

If you're in a fight, don't play stupid mind games, thinking that "Oh, I'm so vengful and punishing".

Be straight and learn to accept apologies.

Don't escalate it. It's immature and makes you look like a pissed-off five-year-old.

My mom needs to learn that.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thunder Galleria

Thunder Galleria is nearly a month a way, 33 days to be exact. On December 12, Rocklin students will flood the multi-purpose room, as elves, to give underprivileged children an unforgettable holiday experience. However, none of this would be possible without help from students prior to the event. Thunder Galleria is now accepting donations to the C&CC, so PLEASE DONATE! (Ex. books, toys, mom/dad gifts, etc.) Anything except clothing. Thanks! .. also, if you haven't already, sign up to be an elf in the C&CC, and like the new Thunder Galleria page on Facebook.


It's that time again. Mock Trial is starting! How exciting! I absolutely love doing Mock Trial because the team is just one happy family (well, most of us). There are some issues which are preventing me from fully enjoying the club experience, but besides that, I can't wait to get started and get back into the regular routine of going to practice that I had my freshman year.
Two thing are...irking me though. One is that there are certain people in which I don't exactly look forward to working with. And yes, I know that life is always filled with things that you must do which you hate, but I feel like they are just going to bring me down...and in the end, it'll affect my mood and performance. Hopefully, the team can bond and I can form some sort of connection with certain people.
Next is that the dance show is at the same time as the competition! That means that I may not be able to compete because I'd still have homework, the show, and the competition to take care of! That's going to be one stressful week...I'm not looking forward to probably missing the competition because I have a passion for Mock Trial, and I don't want one of my classes to get in the way of that.
Besides that, I'm so freaking happy that more people are joining that seem to be dedicated and I honestly just want another great year with the club!:D Oh, if interested, join! Just talk to someone in it, like me. There's always room for more people.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Calm down...

Its not Christmas yet... I feel that everyone should chill out its not even the end of November and there's already Christmas decorations in stores and were already playing Christmas songs on the announcements. Lets get real here, I mean really this is a little out of control.

What about Thanksgiving? I would say its a pretty important holiday. Taking time to just spend time with your family and thinking about what you're thankful for and understanding that there are others that aren't as fortunate as you are. Being able to sit around a table with your family and eat great food is just the best. Apparently society feels that we should just skip Thanksgiving all together and go straight to Christmas. I wonder why that is. I love both holidays so I would like to be able to enjoy both buts its kind of hard when people are just talking about Christmas non stop and all I see is Christmas stuff everywhere.

I just wish we could all slow down and just live day by day Christmas will come soon enough just not yet... don't forget about Thanksgiving.

How to Introduce Yourself

Introductions can be the most important part of a relationship. I mean, it IS the catalyst. There are so many ways to say it. "Hi, nice to meet you." "Hajimemashite." "G'Day, stranger". Something like that.

I find myself meeting more and more people as I grow older, and each time, the introduction is different. Let's start by talking about the handshake.

I love shaking hands. I've gotten told that I have a very good handshake. That's....the weirdest compliment I've ever gotten. But it's because i do it often! This summer, I had an internship where I had to shake hands with many important people, so I didn't want to have a lame one.

Although most high schoolers do.

Then. What do you say after you shake hands? "It's nice to meet you?" " I hope we have a good relationship into the future?"


But, no matter how gawky a first meeting is, meeting new people is the first step to broadening your world.

So, it's nice to meet you :)

The Friend Ship has Sailed Away

High School is where we learn who our true friends are. This has been said to me countless times. The truth is, you never really know when someone will break your trust. You can't control what happens to you but you can control how you act. For the past two months I have been in denial about losing my best friend. I haven't gotten a true reason to why we aren't friends and I was reminded everyday at Cross Country practice for the past two months that we couldnt be friends. She is even in my english class, sitting right next to me, and I'm invisble. I have broken down, called her and left voicemails crying. Something even worse? We share a locker, and I left a letter in it for her, only to have no response. Now that I have gotten all my crying, being depressed, and feeling nosalgic out. I can move on, and I know that she doesn't deserve me as a friend. We both have changed and we are now on two different paths.

High School Basketball

So the high school basketball season officially started yesterday. It was our first practice and i was shaking all day...adrenaline rush! I think i may have dunked 5 times in practice and i usually only get one...I was bouncing off the walls with anticipation,.,,,for the first practice, imagine what it is going to be like for the first game! basketball being my life, im ok with obsessing over it, but too be honest i wish people would stop saying were going to suck this year..they don't know anything. Here's a lesson- your going to have a down year after the best coach in Nor Cal history other than DLS's coach retires. your going to have a down year when your transitioning to a new coach and have a lot of new players. This year we WILL be good so Rocklin get ready and ya'll better be there or you may miss out on something special.

college Basketball

So people say im obsessed with basketball, but i never really thought so....that is until this years college basketball season started and i recorded the first 50 games on ESPN this year...I now agree im obsessed and maybe a bit of a lunatic. 50 games? that's a hell of lot and so you all know what i'll be doing very weekend im not personally playing basketball. Sitting in front of the tv screaming waiting for my chance to play on  ESPN

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It's almost Thanksgiving break!! It's so close... only a few weeks. Every day, I just think, three more weeks, three more weeks. I need to break so badly, I'm done with tests, homework, projects, etc. I just want to sleep, watch movies, and relax. Sigh. Almost there. Although, it seems like this semester has gone by really fast. I just want my grades to be final, so I can stop worrying about them. Oh well... three more weeks until Thanksgiving, a few more after that, and then they will be final. And after Thanksgiving, there's Christmas! It seems like the year starts to pick up around Halloween.


So, I''m very excited because one of my best friends, who I haven't seen in almost two years, is moving right next door to me! I'm thrilled :) I am going to be the neighbor her family has never wanted... I am going to be there all the time, and I can't wait to see her and her sister! She is going to be moving in at the end of November, and it's going to be so much fun! She can help me with all of my homework because she's already graduated, so it's going to be free help too! Ahhh I'm so excited!

College Essays..

I hate college essays. They are just so unnecessary. I have nothing interesting to write about, no sob stories, no major life challenges, nothing amazing. And I really dislike writing about myself; it’s hard to make yourself sound like a good person without sounding conceited. Once you finally write them, then you have to find a bunch of people to edit them to make sure they sound good. It’s so hard to know what a college is really looking for in an essay. Do they want you to talk about how awesome their college is, what you’re going to offer, or what you’re looking for? It’s just so confusing. And it’s not something you can just blow off and hope for the best, it’s really important! As the deadlines get closer and closer, I can only hope I find some motivation to finish these essays.

Computer Crash

Last Sunday I was working on homework when my computer crashed. The internet suddenly shut down and so did the unsaved word documents I was working on. I shut the computer down and logged back on to try and save my documents, but when I tried to do this a black screen came up and everything was gone. I don’t know how it happened, but my computer now had a virus. After many attempts to put the computer into safe mode failed, I knew there was nothing I could do. All my documents were gone including my essay due the next day, all of my college application essays, and my portfolio that was also due the next day. While I had some of my documents saved to my email, I had to re-type many of the assignments that were due Monday. Later the next day a person with a more advanced knowledge of computers was finally able to get some of my documents back. Even though this caused a major set back for not only my homework but for college essays, I feel fortunate that I am able to get back most of my documents. It makes me really angry that people even do this. They should be using their time, energy, and skills for something constructive instead of trying to ruin people’s computers and deleting their documents, it’s just not fair.

Autumn is Here...

UGGGHHHHHH. It's that time again - allergies.
Every spring and winter, I get allergies. Bad allergies. The kind where your nose is bipolar, one moment it's stuffed and then it's runny. The kind where you sneeze at least 10 times every hour. The kind where your throat is kinda sore and your head feels clogged up and like it's going to explode.
Yeah...NOT FUN. The worst part is when my nose/throat feel like they are on fire as I breath. Or when my throat is incredibly itchy and there is nothing I can do to relieve it.

This morning I took 2 zertechs (sp?) and it seems to not be helping at all. All my symptoms are still here, including my plugged ears. I can't hear anything really. The only thing these zertechs are doing is making me drowsy. I have an important monologue today in theatre 4 and I'm getting really nervous that I'm going to forget my lines...And then I have a driving lesson tonight at 6:45. In the dark. On the freeway. With a creeper sitting next to me.
I'm going to LOSE IT.
So if you see my around the room, looking tired, you know why. And if I don't hear you call my name, you also know why. Just yell a little louder.


When Devin "itches" his eye it drives me crazy! He does it at least 3 times a day and it makes the creepiest sound ever. I just cant even handle how much it bothers me, actually Devin does a lot of things that bother me. I think I will name off all the things that Devin does that annoy me-(don't get me wrong I love Devin, he's one of my best friends)

1. When he says I "swagger jacked" his conversation with a girl
2. When he gets sassy for no apparent reason
3. When he attempts to help me with my math homework then gives me attitude for not bad I'm not a genius
4. When he comes and talks to me then randomly gets up and walks away and goes and talks to someone else, apparently I'm boring
5. When he starts drama like a girl.

Anyway there are other little things that I cant think of at the top of my head, but there a lot of things Devin does that I love. He helps me with math, he is hilarious, fun to be around, hes a great friend, and he always listens and helps me with my problems. He may drive me nuts once in a while but I think I can get over it, love you Devin!! xoxoxoxoxoxo


I did not like the fact that Halloween this year was on a Monday. It completely through me off.
Going out and celebrating Halloween, only to come home and do large amounts of homework, completely sucked.
I thought we should have at least had Tuesday off.
Oh well...I'm a senior and by this time next year, I won't have to worry about such things. Wooo.

MLIA; My Life Is Average

So every blue day morning, I come into this class and go onto . I don't know what the deal is but it just lightens up my day. Some of the stories are silly or boring and others are just outrageous- it really depends on what type of tolerance in funniness you have. But for me, this site is my personal laughing gas. It has so many dumb stories and weird situations; like google vs. yahoo war or mystery seeker. Whatever the reason is, is one funny place.

Now 100.5

So, every Monday Wednesday and Friday on Now 100.5 there is a really funny segment called BaltBusters. It airs at 7:35 so I usually only hear the first part of them, but they are insanely hilarious. The way it works is, someone calls in who wants to play a joke on a friend/relative. The DJ then proceeds to call up the person and pretending to be somebody else. Some examples include, pretending to be a videographer and calling someone up and telling them that their wedding video has been deleted, a human resourse worker explaining to someone that inappropriate photos have been leaked to the employees at work, etc. The people go insane and freak out! It's probably the funniest thing on the radio in the morning.

A case of the Mondays

Halloween this year, did not feel like halloween. There was no crazy chattering over halloween parties or even trick or treating. I didn't have plans for Halloween until monday at break and even then, those plans were tentitive. Despite going trick or treating and visting several haunted houses, it just didn't feel like Halloween. Maybe i'm finally getting too old for Halloween or maybe it's a sign of the times? I just hope it doesn't affect christmas.

NBA Lockout Continues!

When will it stop already? First, everyone thought it was only going to last for two weeks, but now it ends up being the entire month of November! The delayed season is inspiring boredeom and leaving many loyal NBA fans in shock. I want to watch some Kings Basketball already.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Senior Night

As my last cross country season nears an end, with only two more weeks left, I can’t help but look back on my three years with the team. While I’ve had both good and bad moments in cross country, I love it and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. I have met so many amazing people, people that are now some of my best friends. While running is always a challenge, it is also very rewarding. The comradeship on this team in unlike any I have ever seen or experienced, and I know I will miss it.
Last Friday was league finals at William Jessup and it was also Senior Night. When Pereira called my name to come up to the front, along with the four other senior girls, I suddenly realized just how little time left there is before the season is over. Looking over at the people next to me, who I have been running with for four years, I suddenly became really sad but determined to make the best of these last few races. As the rest of the girls handed out the senior gift, blankets they had made for us, I couldn’t help but feel so lucky to know such awesome and caring people; I will most definitely miss them.